Healthy habits - how to move

Apr 2023

Our MetLife 360Health "Habits How-To" series features tips, tricks, and activities to help you establish healthy habits and maintain them in the long run.

Benefits when we move

  • Exercise can improve your sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.
  • Short bursts (10 minutes) of physical activity can increase your mental alertness and positive mood. This can also help you burn additional calories and improve your overall health.
  • A post-workout meal containing lean protein and complex carbohydrates can help your muscles recover.

Make it a habit to move

  • Set a time – When can you be most successful at being active - after waking, after work, lunchtime? Commit to that time for a few weeks.
  • Make it enjoyable – A fun workout is easier to stick with. Infuse some joy into physical activity by inviting a friend along, listening to great music, or going somewhere scenic.
  • Do something every day – Consistency is the key to success so plan to be active in some way every single day. Use a fitness app or a mark the days on a piece of paper to keep on track.
  • Just get started – The hardest part is taking the first step. So, remove potential barriers – put your clothes out the night before, have your water bottle ready to go, etc.
  • Habits lead to results– When thinking about reaching your goal, like losing 5kgs or running 5kms, establish a physical activity routine first. Consistency will support success in your journey to a healthier you. Worry about outcomes later, stick with it and you’ll see results.
  • Stay accountable – Tell a friend or family member about your intention to move more and ask them to check in and encourage you along the way.

Habit Strategy

  • Link the habit to a reward - Connect physical activity to something gratifying or enjoyable. For example, only allow yourself to listen to your favourite podcast while walking.
  • Start very small - This reduces the skill and willpower needed, and it will keep you motivated. For example, commit to just 2 minutes of running a day, or plan to walk just to the end of the block every day after work.
  • Create rituals - Fit movement into existing routines, for example, every time a meeting ends stand up and stretch out.
  • Be specific - Clearly define your intentions and make a plan: “On weekdays, I will go cycling before work.”
  • Create effective cues - Take advantage of apps on your smart phone or other reminder tools for notifications or alarms to prompt you to move.

If you are wanting to improve your fitness or need help with an injury, MetLife offers eligible policy holders access to its Fitness and Recovery service through 360Health  at no additional cost. Fitness and Recovery matches you with an experienced Exercise Physiologist to help develop a bespoke action plan to support your fitness or recovery goals.

Find out more about MetLife 360Health's Fitness and Recovery Service.

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