It’s probably not surprising to hear that sleep and mental wellbeing are linked, especially if you’ve experienced a few sleep deprived nights in a row. In fact, studies show that people who suffer from sleep deprivation have increased unpleasant moods, such as frustration, sadness, anger and irritability, and a decrease in positive moods. Sleep deficiency can also increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Unlocking the secrets to great health starts with a good night’s sleep, but how can we elevate our rest? The experts at 360Health reveal actionable strategies, along with some information on how 360Health can supercharge your sleep.

Simple Solutions for Better Sleep

Try these strategies for improving your sleep habits:

  • Diet and lifestyle: Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can have a negative effect on quality of sleep, and so can sugary foods. Consider exploring alternatives like herbal teas and healthier dietary choices. Eating too much before bedtime can also cause sleep issues – studies recommend finishing eating at least two hours before you aim to go to sleep. Certain medications can affect your sleep quality, consult your doctor if you face this issue.
  • Altering bad behaviours: Nurturing healthier habits and establishing a consistent sleep schedule can be challenging, but they play a crucial role in improving the quality of your rest. Try to cultivate a steady sleep and wake routine – it may not always be easy to stick to, but it can be incredibly beneficial for your overall sleep quality. 
  • Getting enough exercise: Regular exercise helps people fall asleep more easily and improves their quality of sleep, leading to less frequent night-time waking and more refreshed mornings. 
  • Relaxation and meditation: For many of us, sleep issues are tied to stress – we are busy, worried, and energised from the daily grind or a specific situation. An active mind creates arousal in the body, making quality sleep feel impossible. Some productive ways to calm the body and mind for a good night’s sleep include meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation. Other strategies like yoga, guided imagery, or mindfully listening to soothing music can also evoke the relaxation response.
  • Avoid using screens before bed: Blue light emitted from screens has been shown to reduce or delay the natural production of melatonin (the sleep hormone and key to the body’s sleep– wake cycle) and reduces feelings of sleepiness.  That means it helps to keep TVs out of the bedroom, and turn off your computer, tablet, and phone at least an hour before bed to minimise the blue light impact.

How MetLife 360Health can help with better sleep

Enhancing your sleep might seem like a daunting task, but with MetLife 360Health services, we’re here to support you in developing healthier habits that can lead to improved rest.

And, as a MetLife customer it's all part of your insurance offer so there's no additional fees or costs.

Additional Resources

  1. Mood and Sleep
  2. Sleep problems as a risk factor for chronic conditions
  3. How electronics affect sleep