Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement

At MetLife Australia, we are committed to fostering a culture of gender equality where all employees have opportunities to thrive and succeed. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are at the heart of our culture and is a business imperative. Gender equality as part of DEI is essential in driving innovation, enhancing decision-making, and fostering a more collaborative and productive work environment. How we put DEI into action includes commitments through business strategy, policies and processes, as well as through employee-driven committees including our Women’s Business Network. 

Our pay philosophy and frameworks drive gender equity across like for like roles and job families. Our gender pay gap however, 23.8% mean/average (29.1% median), indicates men are paid more on average. The drivers of this gap, represent an opportunity to improve the proportions of women in mid-senior leadership roles, as well as an opportunity for more equitable gender mix in junior roles in our business. We have improved on some measures such as proportion of women people leaders, but we have work to do. We acknowledge the importance of addressing inequalities in our workplace, and as part of our DEI Strategy, specific actions to improve gender equality include:

  • Measuring our leadership team on gender metrics as part of their overall performance scorecard, including gender targets for promotions and leadership roles, and improving the gender pay gap
  • Conducting annual remuneration reviews for all employees and making adjustments if needed for any gender pay disparities
  • Partnering with hiring agencies and hiring managers to ensure gender diversity in candidate lists and more equitable interview tactics, all aimed at driving a more equitable gender mix at any level
  • Providing training and resources on gender-related bias, including unconscious bias in hiring, promotions and workplace issues
  • Creating opportunities for women to network, and fostering a culture of support and mentorship to drive careers
  • Ensuring our employee benefits demonstrate care and flexibility, including this year increasing our paid parental leave and introducing paid menopause and fertility leave
  • Collaborating with external partners to share and learn DEI best practices, both within and external to our industry
  • And leveraging our global scale to implement talent programs like our global women’s leadership program, career and skill building platforms, and enhanced data analytics

We are committed to continuous improvement and learning. We understand that achieving gender equality requires ongoing commitment and collaboration from across our organisation. We regularly garner feedback from our employees, conduct surveys and engage in dialogue with stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and refine strategies over time.

By implementing these initiatives as part of a comprehensive DEI strategy, we show our commitment to a more inclusive and equitable workplace where all employees have opportunities to thrive and succeed.