Expert Medical Opinion is part of MetLife 360Health Virtual Care, which is provided by Teladoc Health, a global leader in Telehealth. It's a safe and confidential service designed to help you understand your medical condition better, providing confidence and clarity on your treatment pathway.

“We seek expert opinions on almost all key decisions in life, why would you not do the same for your health?" says Jamie Vickers, Director of Teladoc Health. "It’s important, however, to ensure you’re getting more comfort and clarity, while also becoming more empowered to play a role in your treatment decisions.

"Expert Medical Opinion connects you via Telehealth with a leading global expert in your condition who will provide you with their findings in writing, helping you better understand your condition and your treatment options to make more informed decisions.”

The aim of an expert opinion is to help you understand your condition. Expert Medical Opinion does not play the role of a treating doctor and does not attempt to replace your existing treating doctor. It is simply a convenient way to access extra information and get easy-to-understand answers to any questions you have about your diagnosis and treatment.

"The Expert Medical Opinion service has been fantastic," says Adam, who accessed the service through MetLife's Virtual Care partner Teladoc Health. "We received our final report and shared it with our treating doctor who was very impressed with the quality."

How do I ask for an Expert Medical Opinion?

Here's what happens after you request the Expert Medical Opinion service:

  • Connect with a clinician – A qualified clinician in Australia will guide you through the process, including talking with you about your medical history and listening to your concerns about your diagnosis and possible treatments.
  • Record collection – Your dedicated clinician will record your questions so they can be answered by a specialist and collect information about your case such as medical records, related images and pathology results. They will re-analyse the information to make an initial assessment and may also organise for pathology to be retested. They will then connect with a relevant medical expert.
  • Expert review – A leading global expert in your specific condition will conduct a detailed review of your case and write an expert report outlining their findings on diagnosis and treatment options that you can ask your doctor to consider. They will provide answers to any questions you may have.
  • Discuss the findings with clinician – Your Teledoc-dedicated clinician will review the expert report and call you to discuss the findings. The clinician can answer any questions you might have about the findings and, if necessary, go back to the Teledoc specialist to clarify any aspects. Your clinician will encourage you to share the report with any treating doctors you are seeing so they can review and, if appropriate, adjust your treatment plan. The aim of this service is to offer an opinion that supports your treating doctors – not replace them.

"The Expert Medical Opinion report was very professional, thorough, easy to follow and understand," says Thomas, who asked for a second opinion through Teladoc Health. "I have never received a report that included so much information. It addressed all my thoughts, questions and concerns. It has made me feel more comfortable and trusting of my urologist and given me peace of mind."

Lily also received an expert opinion through Teladoc Health. "It has been a really comforting process to go through," she says. "My treating doctor is completely in line with the specialist who provided my report, which means moving forward I now have the peace of mind in my treatment pathway."

How do I access Expert Medical Opinion?

Expert Medical Opinion is part of Virtual Care, MetLife offers 360Health Virtual Care at no additional cost to Policy holders via Teladoc Health and to get started, it is as easy as...

  1. Visit MetLife 360Health Virtual Care
  2. Register your details and create a login with your eligible code